Polányi Károly Student College for Advanced Studies

Polányi Károly Student College for Advanced Studies

The ’Polányi Károly’ Student College for Advanced Studies is a group of students who want to make the most of their college years, both academically, self-awareness and socially.

Our institution, like other members of the professional college movement, is committed to supporting its members in developing the skills and professional activities necessary for public life, research and leadership.


What it does:

✔College accommodation, which is not a necessary condition of membership,

✔ Membership of a think tank, whether resident or non-resident,

✔ In-house training scheme, which means the free enrolment in extra subjects in addition to college studies,

✔ professional and community-building programmes (lectures, workshops, company visits, film clubs, conferences)

✔ Support for the development of research activities with the help of mentors

What you can expect:

✔ good academic results (3.5 adjusted credit index)

✔ openness to non-basic disciplines

✔ professional ambition

✔ initiative

✔ community involvement


A taste of some of the programmes:

✔ team building excursion to Orfù

✔ film club

✔ professional discussions and presentations


College instructor: Dr. Busku Szilvia (busku(pont)szilvia(kukac)tpfk.hu)